procrastinating and seeking help editing an essay

well hello again,

I haven't written anything in a while. Partly because for some reason every time I tried to it wouldn't let me so I gave up. Lets hope it works this time. So I've had this overwhelming feeling to write come over me but sadly I suck at writing my words are never quite eloquent as I'd like them to be. I used to write poems but I've stopped doing that as time went on. My poems were pretty pathetic and cliche and silly anyway.

I have an audition to an art school coming up next week and I have to write a statement/essay on why I'd like to go. I've come up with a rough draft but I'm not sure if it sounds ridiculous. Does any one want to help me edit it? I'd be eternally grateful to you if you did . anyone?

I don't know, I guess that was all I wanted to say. As always I have much work I should be doing but being that super procrastinator I am, I'm putting it all off. so I shall go now If any one is going to take me up on the editing thing either leave a comment or PM me .
January 10th, 2013 at 12:44am