I dont know what to do!?!?!

So this is my first blog entry so im just gonna type.
So me and this guy had been talking for a few weeks and he found out that i really liked him.... well he thought i was cute and sweet but the problem was that he had dated this other girl who was my "friend" a few days after i found out thats why he couldnt be with me i told the girl i did not want to be friends with her anymore..... and it wasnt caus i wanted to be with him its just caus i was thinking about doing it for a while caus she treated me like shit and most people thought she was sweet and innocent when in actuality she was a bitch she made me feel invisible and she had to be the center of attention so i just broke our friendship off and so now i have to make new friends... and some of the people i knew in middle school are now starting to talk to me again..... and im trying to be ME not the girl i have been for three years that i created caus i was scared for people to know the real me so i guess thATS what im feeling today!
January 10th, 2013 at 07:34pm