HELP! School dance advice needed!!!


My school is having their annual "Sadie Hawkin's Dance" the second weekend in March, and I have no clue who to go with. Alright, for those of you who don't know what a Sadie Hawkin's Dance is, it is a casual dance where the girls ask the guys. At my school the girls and guys match their date (i.e. same shirts, jeans, etc.). I know that it is still a while away, but one year ago exactly I asked my date last year and I don't want to run out of time. I am literally getting stressed out about this and it should be fun!

I have five possible dates, but I am so confused on who to ask and last night I spent a good portion of the night crying over this. (I don't know why, but I was getting really emotional becuase it is my last Sadie ever!)

Boy #1: My best friend. I have been best friends with this guy for as long as I can remember and we have been through a lot. He is like a brother to me. But, I don't want to creep him out by asking him to this dance (we had a very confusing relationship two summers ago), and I think I want one of my best girl friends to ask him since she is really shy and doesn't know who to ask either.

Boy #2: The boy I went with last year. I had a great time with this guy and I would love to have him in my group again for this dance. That being said, a few things went wrong last year, but I still had fun. He and I have been friends for a while now and I feel like he would be a great date. I also have a friend in mind that could ask him, but they have already gone to a few dances together and she doesn't want to make him feel "pressured" to go with her to yet another dance.

Boy #3: The loner. Now, when I say loner I don't mean the shy guy that has no friends because he actually has friends. But, he is the awkward guy that girls tend to forget about during this time of year and he has never been asked to a Sadie Hawkin's Dance before. I could have gone to homecoming with him this year, but when his friends (Boy #1 and Boy #2) were helping him think of a way to ask me he basically said that he didn't want to go with me because he thought I wouldn't want to go with me and he didn't think that he would have fun with me because he would be too nervous the whole time. That is the only reason I wouldn't ask him, I don't want to make him feel awkward the whole time.

Boy #4: The possible love interest. This could be a topic of discussion all by itself. I have been flirty with this guy for the whole school year, and he has been flirty back. For the past week we have been texting nonstop and he has been asking me to hang out with him and such. Well, the other day in our math class he started talking about Sadie with one of his friends, and in the middle of the conversation (that my best girl friend and I were involved in as well) he kept glancing over at me to see what my expression was to what he was saying. My friend thinks that he totally likes me, but I am not so sure yet. So, she took it upon herself to do a little research. She texted him and was like "Hey, Willow would kill me if she knew I was doing this, but she has no clue who to ask to Sadie and I think that she should ask you...would you go with her if she asked?". I didn't really mind that my friend did this only because it didn't seem like I put her up to it, or that I was really desperate. His reply was "I thought she was already asking somebody." and my friend replied, "No. She doesn't know who to ask." and then he said, "Well, I don't's still far away". Now, I know that I probably sound like a typical teenage girl, but I don't think he wants to go with me. My friend thinks that he is just confused about what me and him are because we are so flirty and we talk all the time.

Boy #5: The hottie. Now I have only talked to this boy a few times, but he is really cute and super funny and I have heard really good things about him. A few of my friends went out for dinner a few weeks ago and he was there and we talked a lot, but I don't know if he really enjoyed himself at dinner because he is the type of guy that only likes to hang out with the people that he knows and isn't really into meeting new people. I know I have hung out with him before, but I don't know if I should ask him because I am still a "new" person in his life. Plus, he hasn't gone to any school dances because they aren't his "thing".

I know that it is weird to be posting about this when it is so far away, but I still need time to think about it. Plus, I don't think that it is really that far away at all, two months goes by fast. If you all could possibly let me know what you think then please just comment and let me hear what you have to say. I tried my best to sum up the relationships I have with these boys the best I could, and I hope that maybe they could help me reach a decision (with your help of course).

Thank you,
January 11th, 2013 at 12:55am