Boys, Boys, Boys. (For real though, am I the only one that feels this way?)

So, I thought I would just take this time to rant about all the loser guys that I go to school with. Now, I know that you may not know them personally, but I am going to change their names (if I do need to use them).

The boys at my high school are into girls that will give them what they want, and that is one thing...SEX! I know that is so stereotypical and not all guys want that, but the few good guys at our school are snatched up by ratchet hoes and these girls are terrible to their guys. Therefore, the good guys that ACTUALLY CARE about girls are having their minds brainwashed and they truly believe that all the girls they go to school with are slutty.

For example, my long time crush, Matt*, dated this girl for maybe like a month...but he was so in love with her and it sounds stupid because I hate when people only date for a short period of time and are like "OMG! I am so in love!". But, you could see it on Matt's face whenever he takled about her that he really cared about her and wanted what was best for her. Well, Sue* had an ex-boyfriend who was in jail for drugs and whatever and she was going behind Matt's back to go visit her con-boyfriend in prison. Now, when Matt found out if broke his heart, but he didn't break up with her because he knows that everyone makes mistakes and that everyone deserves a second chance. (I also think that he was attached to Sue because he lost his v-card to her) Anyways, Sue basically did everything wrong that could be done in a relationship, she never showed Matt how much he really meant to her and she cheated on him serval times within their ONE MONTH of dating. Finally, over Winter break, Matt broke up with her and he is a free man now. But, he doesn't look the same way he did. He used to have this huge carefree smile on his face, but now it is gone. I feel so bad for him because one girl ruined his outlook on the rest of the girls that attend our high school.

Then you have the girls that will do anything to get a boyfriend, and you have the guys that will do anything to get into a girls pants. This guy, Tim*, has these huge parties (like Project X parties), and everyone at school goes to them. I have only been to one and a huge fight broke out and there was a knife and I am never going to another one. But, while I was there I noticed how the guys were taking advantage of the drunk girls, and not just one girl for the night, several girls. It was terrible and I have no clue why anyone would really give into these guys. The football players at school disgust me because of the way they were acting at this party and I can never look at them the same way.

And when they aren't partying on the weekends they are posting on Facebook and Twitter how "There are no good girls around here". Uhmm...EXCUSE ME BUT I AM NOT A TRASHY PERSON! I consider myself a "normal" person, even though I have no clue what normal is. I don't drink, I don't smoke, I swear (but it is nothing compared to the girls I go to school with), I have morals and yet these guys make it so hard to show them that WE STILL EXIST! I just don't understand why the guys are so oblivious to the fact that they are surrounded by girls that actually give a rat's ass about them, and while I am not looking for a husband I know that I cannot help who I fall in love with and I may just find a husband. I am loyal and I am honest and that is what I believe these guys need.

Am I the only one that feels this way? UGH! BOYS YOU CAN'T LIVE WITH THEM, AND YOU CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT (some of) THEM!!

January 11th, 2013 at 06:05am