Violence, Smut, and More Frerard.

Yes, it's another blog about Frerard. I just recently got inspired for a second story (the first one is currently being typed up) and I was wondering if anyone was interested in reading a Frerard that involves lots of violence, sex, and all of that stuff?

Jumping to conclusions, are we? Fellow Mibbians, when I mean violence, I don't mean rape. I mean gun fights, explosions, and hand-to-hand combat. My inspiration for this came by from watching a whole series of action movies. But would anyone care to read this?

I can basically hear you guys asking, "How much Frerard will there be?"

And I reply with, "Oh, buddy, so, so much."

How will I be able to incorporate both action and man-on-man romance? Why, taking it one step at a time, of course.


Yep. I know you guys want it.


I know you do.


Does that sound good, though? I hope it does.


Please leave me some feedback about this? I'm not going to add the plot (unless you'd like me to) since I'd like to see people's opinions of action, romance, and possibly even science fiction added to the mix. I know most of you are probably going to say:

"It depends how interesting you make the plot."

Dudes and dudettes, I know. Just all three genres bunched together at a glance. Would it tickle your butthole a new curiosity and interest?

That's pretty much it.

Soooo... yeah. Don't hesitate to comment!

January 14th, 2013 at 04:51am