The Click Five || That ONE band

Hello mibba friends!

So I'm sitting here in my room, blubbering like a baby right now.

Does anyone remember that band "The Click Five"? They're most famous for their song "Just The Girl" (cause she's bittersweet, she knocks me off of my feet...).

Anyway, since I was way younger, The Click Five has been MY LIFE. I literally spent all of my childhood obsessing over that band and dedicating my life to them. Like, there was seriously a big chunk of my life that was all TC5 and my family and friends would roll their eyes about it.

But today they (finally) announced their break up. And...have you ever felt do I explain it. It's like I KNEW they were already broken up. They haven't done anything in over a year and it was just that thing where you know but you don't want to admit it?

Well...I'm just having a hard time accepting it now that it's out in the open.

Have you ever had that ONE band...that band that means the world to you. That you would do anything for...

My love for them is like that. I don't know now...I've made SO MANY friends through them. I met my ex/love of my life through them. It's just...they mean the world to me.

And it's just so heartbreaking to finally get confirmation that they're over.

I haven't cried this hard in a while, but tonight I'll be thanking The Click Five for bringing all the people I love into my life.

So thank you, TC5. Without you...I honestly would be dead. You saved me so many times. So thank you for everything. I will always love you. Forever.

January 14th, 2013 at 11:06pm