I think I have to give my baby to another home.

My baby has four legs and black hair. Her name is Lola and she is a golden retreiver/collie mix. I have had her since she was a baby and she is about five to six months old now. One day I woke up and decided I wanted a dog, a puppy. A big dog and not a purse puppy like I used to. For the longest time I haven't wanted a big golden retriever named Marvin. My mom thought it would be good for me since I am stuck at home so often and I could train her and not be so bored. My stepfather Steven did not want another dog, and especially not a big one. My mom is on a new girl power mission in this marriage and we both spent a couple hours looking up medium dogs on the internet and found names of dog breeds that we didn't know were in the English language.
Long story short is through Facebook, after many offers, even people offering their little children's dogs that sleep with them at night to me because of my predicament, we came across a new litter of puppies being given away by someone in town's sister.
There was even the perfect male golden retriever that was everything I had been wanting for so long. Steven, my stepdad, tried to talk me into a smaller dog atleast, but I wasn't going for it. I had always wanted a boy dog named Marvin. Eventually, we compromised and agreed to get a girl so we wouldn't have to deal so much with the marking territory and we heard girl dogs are easier to train(still don't know if I believe that.) I do believe they are easier to potty train.
I haven't regretted getting my little girl since I brought her home and she is keeping me sane while I am stuck in my house without being able to drive myself anywhere.
It is hard to make plans though because of her. My mom doesn't enjoy waking up at seven in the morning, who does? and my dad works all day, and Steven just doesn't like her and is a grouch about me leaving her and if I decide to do something, he always says "Why did she even get this dog if she is just going to leave all the time. We shouldn't have done it."
Part of the reason I wanted her was so my family could have a part of me when I pass away, if everything turns out how it is medically looking right now and I wanted to experience having a child almost before I went to heaven.
Kudos to single mom's by the way.
I just feel like right now I need to be spending a week with my best friend and enjoying little things like that. I can't expect my family to take care of her even if I want her to be a family pet.
I love her to death and I have been crying for almost an hour now thinking about it, but I think it needs to be done.
Maybe a family will have a nice fenced in yard so she can run around as much as she wants. I love her so much and want what is best for her and I don't want to be a burden to my family. I can't be selfish like that.
January 15th, 2013 at 06:22am