I will get out of this place.

After today I've decided I will not live here once I graduate from College. This town is lost to drugs in a big bad way. These past few days have been horrible.

A couple of days ago a man who was high on meth broke into my sisters car which was sitting in front of her apartment. Her husband was asleep and she got up with her 4 mo. old little girl and saw him sitting in her car. So she opened the door with her daughter, Kaylee, in her arms and said "What are you doing?" and the man looked up and then got out of the car and came at her and my niece. My sister was able to shut the door and take her to her room and close the door before calling 911. The meth head then proceeded to try and get inside the house. But here's the part that pisses me off, 911 said, "All the police are on the other side of the county." to which my sister replied, "What the hell am I supposed to do?" and they said "We'll send help when we can." and then hung up. My sister went and woke her husband up and he went outside to see what was going on and he found the guy lying on the ground. So, my sister called 911 again and told them to send an ambulance for the guy was just trying to hurt her and they not only send and ambulance but a police man. They then proceeded to act like the man high on Meth that had came at my sister and a baby in a threatening manner like he was the victim. And that was the end of the matter. They wouldn't send help for a twenty one year old woman and her four month old baby but they did for a Meth head. What the fuck?

And then there's the college shooting that happened today. It was in the parking lot and it was not related to the school at all. It was a drug deal gone wrong in a the parking lot that killed two people and injured another one.

I live in a small town in Kentucky and things like this aren't supposed to happen here but it's everywhere. This town is horrible and I do not want my future kids to live here and see the things that I've had to from this place. I know that people always say there is a bad part of town everywhere but the whole town is a bad part of town.

I want out of this place. I will get out of this place.
January 16th, 2013 at 05:44am