30 Day Blog Challenge- Day 2- Something I Feel Strongly About; Kurt Cobain Death

Something I feel strongly about is definitely the injustice of Kurt Cobain's death. I honestly don't feel like it was a "suicide". There isn't a day I don't think about; call me obsessed if you may. But if you looked into the case as much as I have, you would find yourself feeling the same way. The facts of the matter just don't add up to a suicide. The amount of heroin in his system was a lethal amount, which no person with that amount in their system would be able to pick up a gun and shoot themselves. Secondly, the "suicide note". I spent about two in a half months going through handwriting analysis and thoroughly looked at it and the only lines that make it a suicide note ARE NOT IN HIS HANDWRITING. The rest of the letter, without those few lines, are simply a goodbye letter to the fans and to music. If there's anything fans of Nirvana know, it's the fact that Kurt hated the publicity he was receiving. A lot of people put the blame towards Courtney Love. I personally feel like she was involved in the murder, but she didn't personally pull the trigger. Another fact I want to point out is the fact that there weren't any fingerprints on the gun, and well he bought the gun before the incident for protection. There had to be fingerprints from him handling it! Not to mention there wasn't any blood on the gun. Obviously leaning towards the fact that it was wiped. There is a lot more evidence that just doesn't add up, but I'm not going to take the time to write every thing out. Either way, Kurt Cobain's case was closed too soon with little investigation. They automatically ruled it a suicide without looking at the facts. If I could do anything in this world, it would be to give him justice, because everybody knows he deserves it.
January 17th, 2013 at 04:45am