Another Useless Blog :)

I'm back!!!!! Its been like what a few weeks? Days? Who knows! I have this friend she is SUPER BOY CRAZY!!!! Many times-ok scratch that-all the time I hate talking to her because all she talks about is boys i try to tell to her I honestly don't like it but she doesn't remember...I'm just there listening...Recently she moved and she sends letters to me kind like pen pal now :/ we used to go to the same school aka middle school until after mid of 8th grade year. I feel bad for her because I'm the only one who actually writes back and texts her back from here. The middle school we went to has a rivalry high school which is its district sister.

To make this easier lets called A and the sister high school B. The middle we go to goes to high school A so therefore more than half the 8th graders go to High school A while i decided to follow my cousin, brother, parents, and aunt's footsteps and go High School B. She drives me nuts because she always forgets that i don't see the people she was friends with like Dominic I never was friends with that swagget! I always hate talking to him cause i feel like i'm talking to a bag of nails! She had this MAJOR crush on him, even though he's like always on drugs hey her life is her life. Shes' always asking about the people who goes to high school A and i honestly don't talk to them besides a few people well at LEAST 6! I've told countless of times, and here she is calling me her 'sister' when she hardly even remembers what i like! When I do tell her about it she blows it off. She's always telling oh tell this guy i said hi when I don't even know him. I'll tell her that and that not only have i met him I don't even know what this guy looks likes. then again she blows it off. But when she does text her i be careful with my words usually keeping them simple

This was classic this happened just recently! She texted:

Her: Hey :) I'm in town!

Me: Awesome ^-^

Her: Maybe we can hang out before I leave?

Me: Yeah maybe.

Her: Cause I know you are busy

FREEZE! Ok first things first I KNOW i never told her i was busy EVER! I'm always looking for something to do with my friends. UNFREEZE

Me: Not today I'm not? Its Saturday

Her: But today I am kind of :/ Maybe after 6 we can hang out

I told her my grandparents and my dad don't like it when i'm out after 6, Normally when i hang out with my friends i normally met them when theres daylight then I could stay out until 10. More then half the time i feel like I waste my breath on her. I know its probably too much to ask to at least remember a few things about me,

I don't talk to many people at high school A
I can't go out after 6 when its dark
I want to wait for the guy to come along
I'm not that boy crazy

This is probably all weird to understand :s but you don't need to comment if you don't want too. I kind of needed to write off all my thoughts about her. Shes always trying to hook me up with these guys i never met, and live in a different city. Its kind of sweet of her to think how i feel about being alone i guess...but i'm just not ready for a i've never been kissed. I'm just waiting for the right guy to sweep me off my feet. I always tell her to stop and again she doesn't only solution is just keeping it short and sweet until hopefully eventually she'll i don't know maybe stop talking to me or forget me. It might be too bad to ask for that...but i don't need her drama in my life.
January 21st, 2013 at 06:54am