
Ahh Biology a science class that normally has to do with genetics, animals and the circle of life. Cute picture no? Good thing it isn't chemistry because I suck BAD at both if you get what I mean. My 6th period is probably my favorite class this year(super surprising!)

Rambling? Yep! Ok ok you caught me theres a boy. Now don't go all teasey and what not? XD But he's just sweet and super funny. :) his family is from Spain which totally different from what I'm used to! I guess you could say I've always had a thing for skater boys. Which is pretty typical considering its a 'trend' now. Wait haha the trend is Swag dudes too.

Anyways he always makes me laugh as well as my table. I don't he just makes my tummy feel funny hehe. Another weird part my friend R (not using much names) always tease me a little like when i start blushing out of no where. My lack of self confidence is bipolar I blame bullying and my mother, but thats another story I might get into.

Like I said earlier he is sweet :3 like for this mini project we did was make a book of mitrios you know like Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase and Telophase. It was individual but we were able to talk within our table. Basically all we did with our mini study guide book was copy from the textbook. Anyways i was finished first c: and he didnt want to copy from textbook and wanted to use mine instead.

I went ahead and gave it to him because i'm a nice person ._. And told him he can if hes wants to if he can read my handwriting. Blah i write like a 3rd grader boy! Ok maybe a little neater and readable._. Um just imagine a messy Ariel font .-.

He told me this!(insert squeal) don't put yourself down your handwriting is fine. Even B(another friend who sits with us!) jumped in on this. They basically kept telling me to have more self confidence and that i was perfectly fine the way i am :3 (/.\)

But whenever HE said it i felt my stomach doing flips!!!!! So i thinks its a crush....c:
January 25th, 2013 at 09:12am