Drunk Blog: S Anxiety Bullness

So, I'm having some beers at the moment and I'll tell you why.
Today I almost had to set up online banking, activate my debit card, cash my check, get my SIN card, and do my taxes. If this doesn't sound like too big a deal to some, it does to me. It's too much for one day. I have anxiety and I felt really horrible leading up to this day. I couldn't sleep and I was worrying constantly, but thankfully we were a bit late and I only had enough time to go to my bank and ask to activate my card as well as set up my online banking. Unfortunately, I couldn't activate my card and the lady had to order me a new card, so I have to go back and activate it once my new card comes in the mail. On the good side, I found out I had $100 in my account so I got some extra money.
Anxiety sucks, guys. Though I wish I could, I don't take any medication for it either so, shit. People who abuse pills piss me off.
So, I'm having a beer trying not to worry about the fact that I have to go get my SIN card for the first time and do my taxes (also for the first time) tomorrow sometime.
I wish I could just lie in bed and stay there.
On a positive note, my boyfriend got sponsored for going to school. Today he received an $850 check which is awesome because we're poor as fuck.
All this stuff I got to do I know I will only have to do a few times in my life so it's really not that bad, but at the moment, for my anxious mind it's making me want to puke. I hate my brain sometimes.
If you have an anxiety disorder then you can probably relate, if not then I wish I were you!
January 25th, 2013 at 09:33am