The downfalls and advantages of high school

There are so many downfalls of being in high school, especially when you get called names from the upperclass men. The final exams can make you nervous, the embarrassment is even worse here then in middle school, the work has gotten harder, the teachers may be meaner, some sophomores, juniors, and seniors say that freshman suck, or call you "Freshies" if your an actual 9th grader in high school, your crushes don't like you back and laugh at your pain and sorrow, the people that have a crush on you, you don't like back, some people can be rude and spread rumors around school that people are stupid enough to believe, and sometimes high school is a big impact on making people wanting to do something they may regret for the rest of their lifes but there are many more advantages of being in high school, more then the downfalls. New friends, new faces, new crushes, new teachers, great classes, and so much more are good reasons to love high school.
January 26th, 2013 at 06:37am