Inspires me almost everything! I am constantly getting inspiration from so many different things! From anything to a song or the way a certain scene in a movie is filmed or even just looking out the window on a bus ride. Towns in video games, coldness and rain. I could literally go on forever. I have more inspiration than I know what to do with and unfortunately a lot of it gets lost. But the cool thing is, new inspiration comes and goes each day. If you are having a hard time getting inspiration, I recommend choosing a particular thing you’re passionate about (movies, music, art, ect.) and finding your favorite aspects of it and apply them to what you want to do. There’s nothing wrong with getting influence from those that you admire. But it’s also important to be original and do things in your own way! Anyways sorry for rambling, but hmm, a certain few things that influence me the most are: good books like; The catcher in the rye, the perks of being a wallflower, forests, green day, and depression. YEAH
and what inspires you?