So, I guess something happened in the MCRverse.... (Also, how to get your tumblr layout back.)

A few people I follow on tumblr were talking about something about Mikey Way and some girl, and as I'm not part of the MCR fandom, I was kind of like 'lol wat'. But I used to like MCR in the Three Cheers days, so I was curious. Like a lazy person, all I did was make a text post like, "did something happen in the mcr fandom i’m really confused" and I got answers. Someone gave me this, so I'll let you read it yourselves.


So the small glimpses I get on my dash of the MCR fandom seem pretty upset by it. And I'm kind of miffed by it, too, if this is really what's happening. But I guess this girl he's allegedly with is getting a lot of harassment on Twitter, which is, you know, also pretty shitty. I guess there's a storm brewing soon enough.

So, I was just passing that message along to Mibba, since I know probably the great majority of its users are fans of the band. Thoughts? Obviously it's not good news.

And other than that:

How to get your tumblr layout back to not stupid!

You need Google Chrome to do this.

Follow [url="]these[/url] instructions. It saved my love of constantly text-posting. There is a problem with reblogging, where you have to right click-open link in new tab, but it's easy to get around. I hate the new layout for all its bugs and counter-intuitiveness. And the fact that it was released apparently un-beta'd with no notice. Bad internet ethics right there. Mibba gave a notice like 500 years before it changed, that is how you do things.
January 27th, 2013 at 05:04am