My Chemical Romance

I want to start off saying that My Chemical Romance was my guiding light through my teen years. They brought a whole new world into perspective, and led me through my darkest times. Gerard taught me that you can overcome anything. Frank taught me to love everyone, even if they don't love you. Bob taught me that it's ok to breakdown sometimes. Ray taught me that there is always something special. Mikey taught me that things are what you make it.

Mikey was always my 'favorite', if I'm allowed to have one. He was always there, even if it was just in the background. He was a rock, able to hold on when everything was in chaos. And I will always love him, because he, along with the rest of MCR, saved me from myself.

Mikey made a mistake. Now, some of you have said, "Cheating is a choice, not a mistake" which is true. He had a choice not to cheat on Alicia, and he chose to. He made the wrong choice, which all of us have done before.

I'm 100% sure that Mikey is hating himself for what he did to Alicia. Even if he wasn't in love with her anymore, I know he loved her, at least as a very dear friend. He doesn't need all of us to send him hate, telling him how disgusting he is, how stupid and wrong he was.

Because he's a person too. He has feelings, and things hurt him, not only us, but he's hurting from the choices he's made.


Mikey is us. He's a person who made a mistake, who is still the boy who saved me so many years ago.
And while I'm severely sympathetic to Alicia, and will support her through this hard time of her life,

I will always love Mikeyway.
January 27th, 2013 at 07:39am