Money and the Human Obsession With It

Intelligence is not in relation to a computer for me. That information leaves my the head the instant it enters. For me, learning is told in a story.

Where did money come from?

Money was not always in the form of coin or gold or anything such as that. In the time when the idea of money was created was when shells were used for such things. The shells were shells that surfers now usually wear around their neck. These shells were particularly rare wherever the first colonies of man originated and they were given to doctors for prayers of health. The more shells you had, the more life you had.

Now, money = life. More shells, more life = eternal life (of course, impossible, but its the belief)

Shells to metals? How did this occur? Gold cannot be made in to anything valuable. You can't make a house, clothes, anything. It's essentially useless - EXCEPT it's color. Because people worshiped the sun, they find the metal of the sun in the earth and believe it's valuable.

This turned to the gold standard for dollars and such.
January 28th, 2013 at 04:42am