I have come to the conclusion that Gerard Way is my spirit animal.

Why in the world would I say something like that? Because it's a fact set in stone based on my reasoning that he is one majestic mofo. Seriously, think about it, that man is like a unicorn. Forget about the Mikey drama! It's not important in the least. That man will never compare to the epicness that is Gerard Arthur Way. The man tweeted "Awww pickles..." for crying out loud!

Now, I'm not saying the man is a god, he's simple and average when you compare him to someone as sexy as Tom Hiddelston or Robert Downey Jr. HOWEVER! If not for his lovely voice and his epic artistic skills he would mean absolutely nothing to me. I think he'd make the absolute best spirit animal possible. I feel like he'd offer me brilliant Yoda-like words of wisdom during my times of great struggle. He'd be that comforting presence guiding my hand in a comic book store. I'm sure he'd also be the obnoxious voice telling me that I'm dying my hair the wrong shade of red, "It sould be brighter!" he would shout.

Yes, Gerard Way is the definition of what a spirit animal should be. I don't think I'd be worthy enough though. I don't think a small, chibi, form of Gerard way would ever hover over my shoulder to offer guidance and coffee. It's a shame, really, because I have so many brilliant adventures planned for us! Why can't science do something useful for once and make me a damned spirit animal clone of him?!

Honestly, I've been thinking about this all night. It's been swimming around in my thoughts due to the whole Mikey "scandal" that's been taking over the Internet. Not enough people seemed to appreciate Gerard's epic tweet. THAT MAN DOES NOT DESERVE TO HAVE HIS TWEETS GO UNNOTICED! It was too comical to pass up. I seriously need to setup a new blog layout dedicated to that tweet. I loved it just a bit too much.

Honestly, I don't care about what goes on in the lives of My Chemical Romance, all I care about these days is their damn music. If the cheating thing is such a big deal then I suggest that we all agree that Mikey is a dumbass and move on. It's a shame that a marriage, under ANY circumstances, must come to an end... But who are we to judge? It isn't anyone's life to live but his own.

Anyway, back to the point, Gerard Way is a fabulous, fantastic, brilliant, talented, gifted and majestic mother fucker. I wish he was my best friend! I wish he was my brother or some shit like that! I am no where near worthy.... But I can dream!

This has been a Gerard Arthur Way appreciation post brought to you by EdWiN.isamonster and the letter M for MAJESTIC. And also because he's a fucking unicorn or some shit.
January 28th, 2013 at 07:28pm