Doesn't need a title...

I'm been thinking about my birthday... I keep having delusions that I have proper friends that would be thrilled to come to my birthday party. I really should no better then to think of fun stuff I'd like to have for my birthday. It never happens.

I only get calls if they want their hair done or fixed. Oh then get pretty much bitched at cause I can't give her the answers she wants.
I was nice enough to use my personal hair things at 1 in the morning trying to fix THEIR mistake. But all I heard was bitching about how it's awful and that I'm lying to her about how it looks. I didn't get to sleep till 3:30 am. I also didn't get anything for doing it... Again.

I just want a few friends that actually care and don't mind that I'm shy. Or just one.. I didn't think I'm that bad of a person..
January 29th, 2013 at 12:47am