The words 'get a life' come to mind...

..with how The Beth has been acting the last two days. it's so sad. it's actually tragic. I have become a 14 year old girl. I am now going to grow up, stop being pathetic and poisonous and psycho, and get a life.


Right after I've finished this ice cream. I'm sure it's out of date, actually. I wouldn't know, it's in german, but if ice cream has green bits in it, does that mean it's out of date? Mind you, it could just be mint flavour. Mint flavour ice cream? Ew. You know what I think I'm just going to throw it away. New me, new ice cream flavours.

Carl Barat is in love with me. It's true. He's an old member of the libertines by the way, pete doherty's old band. That's how YOU'D know him. Although he's a great musician in his own right and a hilarious person to bump into on the tube. I'd assume. He randomly tweeted me a picture of him squatting last night. And then the boyle joined in. It was great. I thought I was locked in a real life, cyber sex dream. Was just waiting for Will Smith to show up with some sort of shit gadget and then BOOM, out would pop my vagina.

I met The Jess the other day. She's ite. We discussed pooing in a cafe and a black guy from the table next to us had to leave. We also kept seeing The Bobs everywhere. An army of them. Anyway after we discussed pooing, she told me a small anecdote. It involved her ex girlfriend saying to her,
"Jess, have you ever pooed naked?"
And so I said "Really? That's weird. What did you say back?"
The answer was "Eat your chips, Jean."

I think. I couldn't really understand her accent. She's Northern, don't you know.

I'm not too sure if this is 200 words. Is that how long blogs have to be? God you're asking a lot of me these days, mibba. Sometimes I can barely even write my name without inserting Ian into the middle of it.

Ohhh, I just mentioned Ian. Comedown. Now I'm depressed. He's in jail because of sexy kids.


I'm gonna update one of my stories now. After I've had a poo.
January 29th, 2013 at 07:43pm