Feeling ugly. (Warning: May be triggering.)

"Are you feeling insecure and empty?"

It's been a triggering couple of days.
I feel fat.
I spent last night having drinks and fancy snacks with friends while we discussed her wedding colors and dress sizes.
We laughed louder than was appropriate and found out men are suckers for girls with the right shade of pink lipstick.
We came home and colored in a jumbo Barbie coloring book. I left her a kiss on the page with the sun and we fell asleep watching films about laughter.

It's funny the way that good memories fade away before you have the chance to realize how good they were.
But bad habits hang on to you for dear life.

We discussed my body chemistry and genetics and he told me I was beautiful and I made a joke and somehow, it made me want a lifestyle I left behind.

The logical side of my brain is telling me I'm fine. The illogical side is telling me I could lose 20 pounds and be better.

It's hard to explain unless you've been there.

It's hard to confront the issue.

There's too much pressure.
She said "You shouldn't overthink things. That always turns out bad."

But there's no such thing as feeling too much.

Maybe you don't see it. But I feel like change.
January 30th, 2013 at 04:27am