
Taboo. I hate taboo. The word represents all that is wrong with people.
You're acting offended by what I've said, but not because you CARE - because you're SUPPOSED to be offended in order to fit in with everyone else and 'have morals'.

For example, there are certain things you must never, ever joke about. When if you're going to use THAT logic... well, on a larger scale, everything's offensive, is it not? No matter what I say there is going to be someone out there has gone through a personal experience that has certain aspects in common with my joke? So it's okay to joke about, say, the unfortunate time a midget will have at a theme park, but joking about dead babies, god, that's disgusting!

Why? What point does it stop being offensive? Because if you were a midget, that's just another thing you wouldn't be able to do, get on rides at a theme park. And people are joking about it? About the fact that you can't do it because of your disability? And that's absolutely fine. But if someone was to joke about how a dead baby would have an unfortunate time at a theme park, because it's, well, dead, that's sick and insensitive to it's poor grieving parents.

Except... that it wasn't directed in particular to a certain baby, just as you might say the midget joke was not directed to a certain midget.
In the act of trying to look sensitive you're coming across, to me anyway, as desperately the opposite. Look a little deeper.

And as for 'you must not joke about, like, self harm and depression, people like, totally die of that man,' again, grow up. People die of all sorts. I nearly died the other day when i ate a blackberry forgetting I was allergic and began to turn blue. I don't think it should be a rule for people to never make jokes involving berried fruits.
Besides, that sort of thing just isolates self harmers or people with depression moreso. As a sufferer myself, I want to live in a world where I can joke about my condition without people gasping and thinking I'm a freak. Hell, I want people to joke back to me, without being shushed and given the fucking 'I'm morally superior to you' glances from everyone in the room. It makes it easier to cope with.

Now I'm not saying go out there and joke about dead babies around people that have lost their child, that'll get you nowhere. Except a tired conscience and maybe a few In-Face Punches. If you crossed that line, even if it didn't offend people, you'd know it, because everyone would move away from you at the tube station. And it's generally not a recommended thing to do, because you look like an insensitive cunt. You have to know the boundary, and know who, if anyone, you can cross it with.

All I'm saying is, jokes, are JOKES. Scenarios. Not intended to offend, and as you know that, don't make a massive fucking deal about them when your life has nothing to do with the sensitive subject in question, just to seem morally right. It's bullshit. Most people know the line anyway.

This has been me blabbering bullshit and it was supposed to be much better written and more well constructed with evidence to support my 'arguments', but fuck it, I'm a midget, and my keyboard is quite high up, so I had to use a ladder. GONNA FUCKING JOKE ABOUT THAT ARE YOU? ANOTHER THING MY CONDITION RESTRICTS ME FROM DOING? You just wait till I call my agent. As soon as I can reach the phone.

(In all honesty, I just rushed this, because I want my dinner).
January 30th, 2013 at 06:28pm