Oh no She Didn't!!

I'm back. And apparently stronger than ever... -_-

The other day while I was talking to my friend, more like getting all the updates of the people who may not like me so much, she commented and said to me "You know, I don't think I have ever seen your weaker side. Maybe if you show it more often people will like you more. You're just to strong, don't you get tired of it?"
... ... ... ... ... i was in shock.
first of, why the fuck should i show my weaker side to people i don't know? for me, i would feel like i am lying to them. after years of being who i am, it's pretty hard to hide the fact that i tend to have strong resolutions. better question. what if i do not want everyone to like me except a few? i do have standards even for friends. i believe everyone has those actually.

tired of it? maybe. of course when i'm not in the public face i tend to be more relaxed doing my own things. but apparently even then i look pretty intense. that is all just a part of who i came to be. i love going on hikes, traveling to places i have not been before, trying something new for once. as they say, you'll never know what you'll never know what you like until you have tried it. and to those brave spirits who dare try to do things out of the ordinary, i admire your spirit.

but, getting to the matter of things, i think this concept of being strong is becoming more diffuse ie) not limited to just being physically strong and i can appreciate that. from that point what my friend told me is in fact a compliment. however, truth be told, that holds no merit for me.
i chose to be strong for my own devices. i want to be self sufficient so i do not always need someone there to hold my hand to cross the road. having a supporter is great once in a while, but i try not to make a habit out of it. going of this thought, i'd have to agree with Hayao Miiyaziki that there is something flawed with the philosophy of the concept of good and evil. in stereotypical roles, females are portrayed as frail and helpless, but i too believe that girls can be brave and strong willed just as much as any guy can. the smaller this world is becoming, the more borders are beginning to give way to a new wave of people who may never know that strength once mainly referred to physical muscle , but now is expanded to people's determination and resolution in pursuing their own beliefs. Or even that a hero can be someone who can see the world from a view unclouded by hate and balance two opposing forces.
January 31st, 2013 at 03:00am