"You're Father was a Swine!"

Sorry, I've never had an excuse to use that line until now. :) JUST A WARNING! If you don't appreciate whining about things that can't be changed and father bashing, I suggest you don't go any further.

So first off, let's just start by saying that my father sucks. A lot. He's not really a father, more like someone that I see from time to time, but only to say hi. Like an acquaintence of sorts.

In the past nine years, I've had a face to face conversation with the man all of ONE time. ONCE! And it was just meaningless small talk about the weather, my schooling, and my brothers and sisters that I really don't know. But now he has a Facebook. And I thought that it would a great thing to be friends with him because maybe that would force him to, you know, talk to me. Nope. We've talked maybe three times, and all three times we only talked because I grew balls and decided to say hi.

Well not anymore, because I'm super ticked.

He can't take the time to talk to me, but I see updates from him all the time about how he's reached level 86 of Bubble Pop or level 9,000 of Epic Bubble Adventure. Sorry if this sounds stupid to be mad about, but apparently video games are more important that having a relationship with his oldest offspring.

And that's fine, whatever. But PLEASE don't SEND me stupid effing requests to play your stupid effing games if you won't even try to have an intelligent talk with me, because I WON'T play with you! I don't think I'd be upset if he'd call me from time to time, or email or something. But he doesn't. He doesn't care about me or try to get to know me. He may know my name, but can he name my favorite color or band or food. No.

I don't hate anyone, but if I did, he'd definitely be the first person on my list. I'm done now, sorry for wasting your time.
January 31st, 2013 at 04:51pm