My blogs are being posted with exceeding regularity these days.

But I like blogs. You don't have to go outside to write them. Always a bonus.

I chi! I chi!

I just dyed my hair. Blonde. It smells like vinegar. I'm going to the cinema tonight. I hope no-one gets the wrong idea and tries to buy chips off me, because, I'm going to be straight with you here, I WILL punch them in the face.

Hmm. I really don't want to go out. I want to stay in watching Cherri Bomb interviews. Nia Lovelis told me (well, okay, the 'viewers') In one interview that if you have a bright hair colour i.e. red like hers, it's best to wash it in cold water, so the dye doesn't wash out. Eh. Fancy that! See, it is educational, some of the stuff I do when I sit on (or at) the computer every day. Just... not academically educational. More, If I Ever Wanted Red Hair I'd Know How To Tend To It.. educational.

God, I'm tired. Fuck sake. What did nobody give a fuck about before blogs came along?

Don't really know what else to say. Oh, caught my cat eating a pigeon earlier. Is that dangerous? I mean for my cat, obviously it's dangerous for the pigeon, being chewed to death might be a BIT of a risky hijink.

I'm on drugs.

Tomorrow, I get drunk. With my posh friends. The ones that have horses and speak like they're permanently stuck in an audition for downton abbey. It's fucking annoying. We'll be pissing or something and they'll be like 'Oh God golly Bethan, I am rather enjoying this act of urination, are you?' and that's why the murder rate in Enfield is so high.


I wish I was high.

I'm still convinced I'm in love with a girl, by the way. I have no idea to talk to her. Thanks for your help on THAT one, guys. Wasn't like the blog was called 'I need your help' or anything.



At least you're all going to die one day.

February 1st, 2013 at 05:24pm