Go Karting!

I'm home. My friend Grace invited me to go race go karting for her 14 birthday. I admit I was scared before we went into the track but then when I started driving I wasn't scared that much. But in the back of my mind I heard a voice saying don't crash don't flip and die and don't spontaneously combust! Hahah and then I went and started driving and then I was fine! I was turning and driving and talking to myself, which was good for me, and then people started passing me. Oh did I get angry. I mean really did they have to pass me? While they're driving and chasing each other I'm driving safe and turning awesomely. But the fun part was that after we took a test we go tot drive again! I was better the second time!

On a bad part was that my dad was being evil again. I was talking about Social Studies and how in the Industrial Revolution women had it harder because men thought that we had smaller brains and we weren't smart enough for work. Plus we had nothing for passions. Like everything we owned belonged to our husbands and we belonged to him. And i was like that's really sexist and he was like well do you believe that women should be in the army or in the military? And I was like yes because then we can show that we can be our own people and that we shouldn't have men run over us and take over everything. Equality. And he was like well who has the kids and who carries on the race. I mean really?!?! God he is so frustrating and hes so mean! Now he is so annoying and mean and Emily is so frustrated and shes ready to throw something at him and i don't want that.

So this is my life now. Hanging out with people passing by me every day. Plus people in my math class I think are out to get me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hate them with a fiery passion now! Not like I didn't before but more now.
February 3rd, 2013 at 12:05am