If there is another book in the Fifty Shades series, I want it to go something like this…

Its ten years since the last book and Anastasia and her son Theodore (or affectionately known as Teddy) are running away from the abusive Christian Grey. His obsession with dominatrix seemed to overtake him with his need for control on his wife and only son. The child that Anastasia was going to give birth to at the end of the Fifty Shades Freed became a still birth due to Christian’s violent nature in the bed room to her pregnant stomach. Christian’s violence became worse as he began to take his violent nature on his son as he grew older and more violently on Anastasia in and out of the red room of pain/ bedroom.

After so many years of the abuse that not only crippled Ana with bruises and nasty scars, but with emotional scared and bruises she decides to leave him. With the help with José and his wife Victoria, they help both Ana and Theodore move to across the country away from Christian by giving them enough money and supplies to do so.

During their drive, Ana reflects on the first time of many she got raped by Christian. The first time being when Teddy was only six years old. And despite Theodore walking in on them and telling his Daddy to stop hurting his Mummy; he continued. He continued while chanting how much of a bitch she was and how she disgusted him since she became a Mother and that after he had finished with her, she was going to teach her son a lesson too for walking in on them. She also reflects on the night she got back together with him and how he treated her, wishing she had never done such a thing. She remembered how kind José was to her and how supportive he was and wished she could do all again and be with him. She remembered her Mother’s advice and Kate’s worries of Christian, something she should have listened to and seen clearly past his handsome face.

Half way in their travels she gets a phone call from Christian. He orders Ana back to him telling her that she’s nothing without him. She is poor, weak and alone, something that Anastasia denies. She wouldn't be poor, weak or alone with Teddy, with him (Christian) she would. Laughing he tells her he knows exactly where she was because of the GPS he put in her car and her technique such as her and Theodore’s mobile, her IPod and Teddy’s mobile gaming device.

Ana scared destroys her devices along with Teddy’s straight away. At the next stop she reluctantly sells her car to a pair of hitch-hikers for spare-change so she can put Christian off her trail. Taking the rest of their belongings they hitch-hike to a hotel where they stay the night. She continues to reflect on what Christian describes as her, “training”. She thinks of how, at the start she found it pleasurable, but as he got rougher, she didn't. She thinks of one time after he ignored her screams of red, the safe word to stop. She remembers him telling her it was for her own good and that he did that because he loved her so much. It wasn't until later she realised that she was getting manipulated by him like all those other times earlier in their relationship.

She also remembers what Christian described as, “Teddy’s discipline” which began at age six after the night he walked in on them. The discipline was something she had to watch as he furiously hit her son as he cried. It wasn't till he was eight till he fought back which would always result in him being pinned down under his father’s fists. And after every argument, Teddy had to cover up scars and bruises when he was at school or at any public event the Grey’s attended.

The next day she receives a phone call in her room before she leaves from her ex-husband telling her she must still love him if she’s using the bank account under his bank brunch, something that he can track. Laughing he tells her he’d see her soon to take her and Teddy home, making sure his “twitchy palm” can hit both her and his son.

Feeling annoyed and stressed for not simply using the money José gave her, she gives the hotel the fee owning in cash. A lone traveller sees Ana in her distressed state offers them a ride. The lone traveller named Louis speeds away just as they notice the Charlie Tango coming over horizon. Louis then recognizes Ana from varies of paparazzi photos she was with Grey asking why she was running from him. After telling Louis the reason he then promises them both he’d to take them the whole way to their destination.

Over the trip she and Louis begin developing feelings for one another, feelings Ana acts on similar to how Christian acted on her ten years ago. Louis pushes her away telling her that he rather move slow, something Ana doesn't understand because she’s never really moved slowly into a relationship. This makes her upset but Louis tells her he'll teach her how to get to know someone and love someone slowly.

The story then follows with Ana and Theodore getting to their destination. Ana not wanting to part with her new love asks for him to live with her and her son, which he accepts. Ana, then following Jose’s instructions, changes her name. She changes it to Audrey (a name meaning ‘noble strength’) and changes Teddy’s name to Henry. With Louis’s permission she takes on his very common last name, Smith. They develop a new life with him, Christian still looking for her but with no luck.

The story ends with Audrey finally knowing what love truly is with Louis and Henry.

February 3rd, 2013 at 05:45am