Migraine in my ear. | Phones

I feel like there's a migraine in my ear. It really really hurts. I went to the doctor's on Friday and she said I have a throat infection that might have gotten up to my left ear. I can't hear out of it properly. It feels blocked. So she gave me ear drops and they are not friggin helping at all. It just feels double blocked. She also said that it was full of wax, so earlier I tried to remove the wax with the not sharp side of a bobbypin and got some out. It feels better, but it still hurts.

.. It really realllly hurts. I can't sleep and I can't eat and i'm in so much pain and everything is so loud. I'm so tired from lack of sleep and i just can't do anything. I'm useless. I want this pain to go away. I tried popping my ears but that didn't work either. It just hurts.

I toss and turn when I sleep. I start off on my right side and then i'll turn to my left and so on and so forth. I can't do that because my ear hurts so much and I just get frustrated and get up and ugh. Like it's 6 am. I went to bed at 4.

Right when I start to feel a tiny bit better though, my phone effs up. I got a text and was in the middle of replying when it just randomly turns off on me and vibrates once. Now it won't turn on. I can't do without a phone because my parents are super anal and always need to have a hold of me and shit. I want this pain to go away. I'm supposed to go see warm bodies on Tuesday with a couple of friends. :c

I hope this doesn't prevent me from going. Augh.
February 3rd, 2013 at 12:16pm