Thanks for not hating me...unless you do

So. It's been a while since I last posted a blog, hasn't it? Whoops. I'VE JUST HAD A LOT GOING ON, OK. I STILL LOVE YOU ALL. -prepares for no one to even read this blog-


Yes, uhm, sorry I haven't updated in a long time, I WANTED to...well, I didn't, but I did think about it once or twice. The flaw is that I've fallen into a cycle of intense self-loathing, which -if you're aware of my existence- you will realise never used to happen much. Lately, however, it's been happening LOADS. Normally, I'm arrogant as fuck, but I'm just really struggling lately.

I blame boys.

Argh, boys. They're all complete pricks, aren't they? I've given up on them now. They're so confusing, sigh. One minute, they're all "I really like you and I'm not leading you on" and then the next going "I like you as a friend and a bit more" and then saying "I thought I liked you or I could like you, but I have new rules now" oh ok then. Note that this all happened in the space of 2 days...and they say girls are confusing, jesus christ.

On a more positive note: I am hoping to order my Slam Dunk ticket soon, I'm just waiting for Jess to order her's so I don't end up going all alone like "waaaaaaahhhhh D:" so yeah, kinda relying on Jess here. I'm not sure if that's such a good decision or not, if I'm honest. Probably not.

Oh, I'm also dying at the minute. Ugh, I'm really ill and it's killing my soul. I can't sing or dance, and therefore all happiness has left my life. I can barely talk, luckily I haven't felt much like doing that lately anyway, but it's still frustrating. I have a terrible cough, and I swear I have never wanted to throttle myself more in my life, every 2 minutes, I'm coughing. It's so annoying.

Jeez, this blog is boring. Maybe I should insert some nudes to jazz it up a FINE THEN. You all really know how to treat a lady, don't you? Pricks.

No, I love you all really. Decided you're all (mostly) probably the only people in the world that I don't hate right now. Or at least that don't hate me. I fucked everything up, with everyone. So I've decided I'm moving to Newcastle with Jess and all will be well :D I hope she's ready for my excessive crying at 3am most nights (usually to Kids In Glass Houses)

So yeah, thanks for not hating me, you guys. And if you do hate me, then please just add your name to the ever-growing list of people that also hate me. Never knew I was so easy to hate, you know. I could probably commit genocide and not be anymore hated, SORRY FOR STATING AN OPINION, I'LL REMEMBER NOT TO NEXT TIME.

If you reached the end of this blog, you clearly have nothing better to do with your life.
February 5th, 2013 at 01:33pm