At this point, I feel it extends beyond writer's block.

Hello to anyone that actually reads these things, I know I'm not much on here anymore and I can't for the life of me figure out who half of you are but greetings nonetheless!

I'm a little bummed as of late. I've been working a lot this past month on self-improvement, I've managed to rid myself of panic attacks and for the most part anxiety, as well as starting a healthy eating plan. I feel great physically and somewhat emotionally.

But, I'm really missing writing. It's been a little over a year since I've written anything worth sharing on here, and even then what I have written is very little. Writing was what helped me get through a lot of difficult times, and I'm about reading to rip my hair out from lack of experiencing that catharsis writing usually brings. I'm starting to think that it's not writer's block and I just don't have the capacity to write anymore. It's seriously making me so irritated.

Does anyone have any suggestions? Do you think I should join some contests or something to try and get the juices flowing again? What do you guys think?

Thanks everyone. xx
February 8th, 2013 at 05:00am