Back on Mibba after over a year,feeling of worthlessness ,procrastination,introvert to extrovert and the list goes on !

Heya ! :D
So firstly ,I have no idea about what came to my mind when I just typed in Mibba .com on my search bar.I used to be a Mibba addict until last year ,post stuff and there were so many people I used to talk to .Somewhere in the middle,I just stopped using this website.I use wattpad now and specially having it as an app definitely adds to it's advantages ;) But as soon as I log on to Mibba ,I'm like :O Woah! this place has gotten so much better and just perfect.All the modifications's practically a transformation! I've missed this place for sure.Totally miss the people I talked to as well .But I just realized its not only me,Infact there're so many people who don't use this website anymore .Maybe there's other stuff taking over Mibba? Well,just my opinion. :)

Changing the subject...the one problem with me is procrastinating...every single time.I just leave every thing for later...later...later and when 'later' comes...BOOM! Still nothing. And I hate it .So much.Its just one of those things that you know are bad but you just can't help it...something you wanna change but you can't .A realization without taking any practical steps towards changing the situation -which is in one word :BAD.Simply because no one works better under stress ,no one at all.People who say they can,they lie maybe because they need to get a deadline to get shit done.But that's not meee.

Lastly,I feel unworthy and undeserving .*Sobs* .I feel like no matter how hard I try,I'm never gonna reach my goals ,my destination.So I just convince myself that there's no point in trying at all if there's no benefit of it at the end of the day .Oh and can I add 'not important'? People don't see me as being useful anyway .Specially when it comes to taking up responsibilities or making arrangements ,I'd be the last person anyone would ever come to ,even if I volunteer to help .

Ok sorry,that wasn't the last :P THIS is the last thing.I'm on a journey from being an introvert to extrovert.Nah,I never planned to take this journey,it just happened to me.I was a person who never told anyone anything at all,the kind of person who keeps everything to themselves. I'm finally changing.I've let 3 people know about the guy I like since the past 4 years ,from the last month to now.Not sure if telling people about my feelings is a good idea,at the end of it,I do feel pretty guilty since I've never been of the 'expressing yourself ,makes it all easy,makes the pain go away' sort.I've always been of 'don't trust anyone 'cause no one gives a damn ' sort.So it's probably a shift in my perceptions ?

The love of my life doesn't know I even exist,but whatever,I'll sit right here and listen to Between the raindrops by Lifehouse ft. Natasha Bedingfield for the 50th time since the morning ,which is the most soothing song I've heard in a long while. <3 :D
February 9th, 2013 at 03:06pm