Hey Gloom readers!

Heya! So for any of you guys that read gloom SORRY IT IS TAKING A WHILE TO GET THE NEW CHAPTER! its really been annoying me XD ive been busy typing a script for a school play and it should actually be done soon this month or in bigger cases a little later. Sorry if your waiting!
I may even post a bit of the script on here. :D
Its called kingdom 9. Typically the idea was to take alot of my friends and turn ourselves into whatever character we want, Its sort of just a fun thing me and my friends are doing. We decided to make the style a bit medieval like, so we chose kingdom, and the 9 is pretty much just because we're in 9th grade. Its pretty fun to make, especially when its not all my ideas its sort of like roleplay but im the one stuck with the narrating and typing. XD Anyway we really want to get it done and at the rhythm we're going im thinking it should be done soon in the next month or 2.
Really sorry if this gets a bit in the way of gloom though! But whatever happens i can assure i wont abandon gloom, especially at the chapters im at!
February 9th, 2013 at 07:00pm