Okay, here it goes. I'm so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so sorry. I've been trying to write the first chapter of the sequel thingy for almost two months and I can't. I fuuuuuckin can't. I tried so hard, believe me. Writing it just felt like a chore. It stopped being fun. I guess I just lost interest in the story kinda. Today I sat down and tried to write for three fucking hours and nothing. So I'm sorry to say that I decided to discontinue the sequel to You're The One Who Shot Me. But we had a good run, right? aND IM SORRY IF YOU ALL HATE ME NOW I REALLY AM. I JUST I DONT EVEN KNOW WHAT HAPPENED I REALLY AM SORRY PLEASE DON'T HATE MEEEEEEEEE. But on the bright side, I've got some other ideas for other stories. Plus I have off school this week so look out for anything new. Please don't hate me, pleaseeee? I'll write something way better, I promise. Love you guys, even if you don't love me back <3
February 11th, 2013 at 05:03pm