Some People Are Simply Amazing.

I have some amazing friends.
They're always there for me, whether it's to hang out and have a good time, or if I'm not feeling that great.
I don't know what I'd do without them. Thanks, you guys.
Another friend of mine, who likes exactly the same stuff as me and is just as crazy, and is my total girl-soulmate, has introduced me to her boyfriend and his friends.
She's changed my life for the better. All of my friends have.
But she's also done something incredible.
First of all, we have a mutual love for Tobuscus. We bonded over that, and everything else, like Merlin ending and how amazing Supernatural and Doctor Who is.
She told me about a friend of hers that looked a little like Tobuscus.
He did. We were amazed.
She then found out that he had a Tumblr. We both checked it out and she urged me to talk to him.
I found out that his name was Jake, he was very sincere, and that he could use excellent grammar.
On the side, I love grammar. When I'm messaging my friends, I will type everything out, use apostrophes and commas, the works. I think it defines a person, by how they address people.
Anyway, we kept talking about everything and anything through asks, when my friend decided she wants to go to Sydney to see her boyfriend, and wants me to go with her.
I would love to go, but my family simply can't afford it.
But I do want to meet this guy.
(Happily) Rage quit this entry!
February 12th, 2013 at 01:25am