This is probably the dumbest thing ever...

I honestly do know what's wrong with me. It's probably really -No, extremely dumb- I can't seem to want to write about a certain person in my stories.

Alright, I won't be an ass and not say who it is.

Basically, I can't seem to have the urge or need to write about Mikey Way anymore. It's dumb, yes, I know, but I can't. Is that weird? It's a stupid excuse, right?

I'm trying to force something out of myself, because I have a couple stories where he is the main character, but I can't seem to do it. I don't like him anymore. Not like I used to; I think it's because of the whole cheating thing.

Really dumb.

I think I need to smack some sense into myself and try and get over it. If not, to all my readers, I apologize for the hiatus of such stories. I've already axed two other stories that he was a major player in.

It's stupid of me, I know.
February 12th, 2013 at 07:29pm