Jeremy Renner Fans ( You'll Want To Read This)

Jeremy Renner fans!!!

As you all know I'm writing two fan fictions on Jeremy Renner and I'm loving every second of it. (Not in a creepy sort of way)
It's been a long time since I've really been happy with something I've written and maybe it's because I have something to mould around or maybe because they have received such a welcoming response.
Seeing your comments, recommendations and reader numbers really spurs me on to write, not just for myself, but for you guys too.

So, to my readers. Thank you :)

Out of pure curiosity, as always, which other Jeremy Renner stories would you like?

Maybe I'm barking up th wrong tree and going on a Renner overload, but is there really too much of a bad thing?
I welcome any suggestions, criticism and would love to hear your thoughts in general.

If you wish to remain unknown for whatever reason, please private mail me and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
February 13th, 2013 at 01:59am