Tablets Vs. Textbooks? Opinions, anyone?

I'm not a big fan of tablets AT ALL. I've made that no secret.

Now, the idea of using tablets instead of textbooks is being proposed for schools in the US.

Rose is not happy.

I think it's really sad when a six year old knows how to use an ipad or tablet but doesn't know how to count to 100 or tie his shoes.

It also can cause your vision to go bad, an easier way to get off task, not to mention the cost for schools!

In some schools, teachers and administrators would have to take a pay cut in order to compensate. And it cost more to get a tablet fixed than it does to buy a text book.

NOT TO MENTION, only about 30% of textbooks that middle school and high school students need for their curriculum isn't in e-book form yet. Converting print into e-book is NOT cheap.

I just don't like tablets okay.

What do you guys think?

Yay or nay? GIVE ME SOME ACTUAL REASONS THOUGH. I deem this to be a serious topic so...
February 16th, 2013 at 12:43am