i wrote heterosexual sex for the first time today

For the first time since I was 9 years old and started writing, people. 9 years. It actually wasn't as hard as I thought it'd be – if I even did it correctly, haha. A lot of the vagina terminology sounds too crude for me, so I used pussy only like once and idek. I masked my lack of knowledge of heterosexual sex-writing scenes with a lot of though and sex talk, kind of.

Strange, too, because I'll write heterosexual sex but I won't read it.

But, yeah, this is, like, a first for me so I thought I'd document it. This probably won't be happening often, 'cause I'm more comfortable with homosexual (between two men) sex scenes, and that's more my thing, to be honest.

How is everyone and how were your writing firsts? I'm interested to know.
February 18th, 2013 at 12:11am