Well, I watched the new Bond movie.

And I thought it was pretty awesomesauce, but I also love the Bond franchise. I've watched the movies since I was really little, since they were my grandpa's favorites.


Everything about them just speaks to the bro in me. The part that wants to watch the good guy kick ass and blow things up and perform amazing, unrealistic stunts and just do what he does best even though NOTHING LIKE THIS WOULD OBVIOUSLY EVER HAPPEN SO WHY DO I LOVE IT SO MUCH?


They are pretty ridiculous and over the top though. And, if you think about it, a lot of things that happen in them would be pretty hilarious in the right format. Like, you could take any James Bond movie and change the feel of it and it would make a perfect comedy, just because the franchise is so extravagant and over the top.

Which got me thinking.



What if I wrote a parody of James Bond? What if I took James Bond and made him a complete buffoon who can't do anything at all and just stumbles into things and everything is hilarious and fun?



I like the idea. I may have to do something with it.

It would definitely be a nice break from writing The Drugs. I love writing that story, but it's...

... so...

... freaking...

... d e p r e s s i n g.

I think my Bond parody would be enjoyable AND readers wouldn't have to know anything about James Bond. IT WOULD BE HILARIOUS AND DELIGHTFUL FOR EVERYONE!

Yes. Yes indeed.


Rambling and ideas aside, how are you all?
Would you read a silly spy story?
Do you have a story you would like me to read? (That is or isn't about silly spies?)
February 21st, 2013 at 04:14am