"You have really nice eyebrows!"

The amount of times I hear this ^ is kind of funny to me. I mean first off, when you think about it, it's funny that people give compliments to other people because of the strips of hair that grow over their eyes. Also it's funny that people compliment me on mine because I used to have a fucking unibrow. Like seriously, a unibrow.

Maybe that's why I do them so good now though. My crush told me I had a unibrow in fourth grade. That's traumatizing, guys. Well now I've got nice eyebrows and he's on the verge of failing out of school because he's too drugged up to show up to class. Look who came out on top of this one, suckers xP

I got a facial and a massage earlier this evening (night?) and the lady who was doing my facial told me she liked my eyebrows. I dunno, I think it's the funniest compliment ever. And I always kind of feel like an ass whenever people say it to my face because I kinda laugh because I can't help it I just think it's funny!


Eyebrows are weird, man.

And I guess that's really it. Thanks for reading my overtired thoughts on eyebrows. And I'll leave some questions for you too I guess:

1. Do you get your eyebrows done?
2. Ever gotten a facial before?

I should probably go to bed now, g'night Mibbz.
February 22nd, 2013 at 03:59am