Now that my muse has returned, I'm hog-tying her to a chair and getting back in the saddle!

It's been forever since I've worked on 'When Waves Meet The Sand', but I'm going to be reworking some things now that I'm back.

You see, the Naruto plot is...well...extremely long. And that's not counting Shippuden! So I'm shifting some things around, and jumping right into a self-made plot so I can get right to the awesomeness that is Post-Time Skip!

I'll be working primarily on 'Beauty and the Sand Demon' (an AU for this story that will be coming soon), but this one will be building up on the sidelines.

I'm so excited! I've missed the cuteness that's Kumiko and Gaara! *hugs Kumiko and Gaara plushies* I don't know how I lived without it!

Now, here's the summary I've come up with for the new-and-improved 'When Waves Meet The Sand'. I hope you all like it!


After a lifetime of murder, Gaara was finally beginning to grasp the concept of bonds and creating them with those around him. When given a collaborative mission with Konoha to retrieve an unknown political figure and then escort them to the Land of Iron, he had no idea how much it would change him.

After a lifetime of training, Kumiko is finally ready to take the last step towards becoming a fully-realized Avatar; reaching the Spirit World. But trouble is brewing in Republic City, unrest growing as an unknown group tries to seize power, and it is not safe for her to stay. As the Avatar, it is her job to restore balance…But she is afraid she is not strong enough.

A story of danger, of regret, of inner conflict and heartbreaking revelations; a story about the malleability of fate, and the ties that bind us; but most of all, it is a story of love and acceptance, of healing, and of protecting those precious to you.

Because Family means No One Gets Left Behind…Or Forgotten.
February 24th, 2013 at 12:48am