Thank You, Jack.

I didn't have a childhood, I was forced to grow up at 8 years old because my mom went blind. From Year 8, I've struggled with self-harm and severe depression. I have whats called an Adjustment Disorder and it causes depression and anxiety. I don't have the money to pay for medication. I have ADHD. Because of my self harm they threatened to kick me out of school and finally did when I beat the shit out some girl for making fun of me for it. My dad left when I was 3 years old and because of that I have severe trust issues. That's where Jack comes in.

I don't remember when or how I met Jack, all I know is that I'm glad I did. It had to be sometime around July 2010. I hardly ever trust any male ever besides my cousin and my grandpa. So for me to trust him like I do is literally amazing. There is something about him that makes me want to trust him. Throughout the past two years, he has gotten me through so much shit it isn't funny. The fact that he's there and is willing to listen to me helps a lot. In fact, if it wasn't for him I would still be self-harming. I haven't purposely hurt myself since August 18, 2010. Two years, six months, and six days.

I can honestly say that Jack is one of the only people to have ever made me truly smile and laugh. He is truly one of my best friends and nothing I can ever do or say, can ever thank him enough for that.
February 24th, 2013 at 06:40pm