It's Going Well. Except for Writing.

I have really been slack on writing lately.
There are a few responsibilities to attend to that does not give me much time to pay attention to my would-be writings and musings.
I honestly do want to write though. When I try, I hit this vocabulary block, which is a big deal for me, as I pride myself on my grammar and my knowledge of words.
But lately, my days have been hectic. I go to school, put up with six hours (or more if I have responsibilities after school) of (mostly) tiring work and social relations, catch a bus filled with students for an hour, arrive home and instantly start talking to two people, doing my homework and catching up on YouTube videos until dinner, and perhaps more Youtube, before I retire, and fail to sleep until 3am. I fill that time with YouTube videos and panicked homework I've forgotten.
It's a never-ending cycle.
But the two people I talk to are so nerdy and yet lovable, and I can't think what my day would be like without talking to them.
Oh, cross-blogging is happening everyone. Angel is sitting next to me also blogging, don't cross the streams!
Yes, pop-culture reference achieved. Tick that off the list.
There are just some people in life who you are meant to meet and be SUPERMEGAAWESOME friends with.
I am just on fire with the references today.
And Jake, he's just so good with grammar. That's a major point for me.
But it's not just that, y'know?
It's the little things. And I did not mean to reference that horrid band there. Terri-boo. Just terri-boo.
Whatever. I have friends. I do what I want.
I also have little time because of gaming and Tumblr. Damn you Haneen, for introducing me to it. But I can't say it's not amazing.
(Happily) rage quit this entry!
February 24th, 2013 at 11:52pm