I'm Immature.

Today me and Christian had a picnic at this place.


It ended up being in the really upscale part of town and everyone was walking around in business suits and we were sitting in the grass in our T-shirts with his stained up shoes and my ripped up jeans eating off of Zoo Pals plates. I'm sure to them we looked homeless.

After we ate we found a little waterfall that flows under this bridge, you can't see it in the picture, but its about three feet wide and we took turns jumping to the other side and then we ran through a pile of leaves (well, I did) and knocked them everywhere. It was really childish and silly, but it felt so nice to act like an immature kid and not care what anyone thinks.

We even found a statue of Christopher Columbus and looked under his clothes to see how detailed the artist went with him. I couldn't really tell if there was anything there cause it was dark, but Christian swears there was.

It was just a really fun, random day. I don't think I've had one like it since I was like 16. :)

Picture credit goes to someone on flickr.
March 4th, 2013 at 05:47am