Missing your childhood...

İt's life isn't it when you are young you always dream of growing up to be a grown up, isn't ? however its odd how when you do get you your dream age you start wishing that you were still a child. That time when everything was about innocence.

Days are passing with memories of my childhood and how I was a lot more happier back then. Those days when life was only about playing, learning how to draw, learning your ABC's and most importantly making sure that everyday of your life was spent having fun. You never felt left out; Everyone was always equal with each other. I miss those days where you would wait with excitement for the next day to come so you could start a new adventurous day! And you know what the funny part is? Time passed so fast that it would upset you, because you didn't want your day to end, you wanted it to last forever; But if they asked me that one question: "do you think time is passing quickly now?" my obvious answer would be "NO!"

I sometimes sit down to think about now the present time and why I want time to run?... You know what my answer is? I want to go back to my childhood which was full of life, which was filled with constant happiness . I feel like hours, minutes and seconds are passing by like years. And you know what it's no fun growing up knowing that as you grow up more stress and more responsibilities build up; Knowing that your days of having complete fun will never come back! If only there was a time machine.. But those "ifs" are of no use because only reality will take you forward.

A child only has one dream that take it look forward in life and that is to be a grown up and be free, but if only the innocent angle knew that growing up doesn't only mean freedom but also means growing up to responsibilities that come with questions like: "what is my future going to be when I am a grown up", "what am I going to be like when I grow up","whats it going to be when I grow up"... All this thinking is not fun instead it's overwhelming to have your brain conquered with all these!

I don't know about everyone else but if they granted me a wish that would come true I would definitely wish to have my childhood back.
March 5th, 2013 at 06:41pm