I'm freaking DYING

Oh man, so I did the Call Me Maybe challenge AND another one of the blogilaties workouts. I think it was called long lean legs and butt. Whatever, they killed my lazy butt and made me want to take a long name. My butt is still cramped up from the last one I mentioned and I've had to massage it for like five minutes already. These exercises better make me bootylicious, that's all I have to say. I was thinking about starting a progress blog and give you guys the exercises that I'm doing. I don't know how many people would want to follow my slow and painful process though.

I want to lose a good thirty pounds by at the latest this coming December. I know, I don't set very hard goals seeing as that's months away but I'm also setting the most realistic goal for my lazy butt because I really really like food and I really really hate anything that requires me to move but I kind of want to change that.

I want to have energy and run around like I used to back when I had a social life. So, I might just start this blog thing and if people follow me that's great but if now well at least I can track my own progress and feel good about myself. K.... tootles :D
March 6th, 2013 at 06:39pm