Be My Friend Anyone?

In the space of the last twenty four hours I have realised I'm hovering on the edge of being a friendless recluse. This is not acceptable, people! Since the year started I have had face to face contact with exactly two of my friends. We expand this to phone conversations and the number only goes up to five.

What on earth is wrong with me? This is not okay. Rachael needs to be more socially active. Which translates directly into Rachael being more Mibba active as well.

Basically, I just want to talk to people. Whether you're 8 or 80, male or female, metal or pop, reader or writer I would love it if you'd say hello. Please.

Drop me a comment or message me, hell you could hire a sky-writer if you want, just introduce yourself.

Right. That's the end of my needy blog for human interaction. Buh-bye now.
March 7th, 2013 at 07:06am