To: All of My Subscribers!

Good morning Mibba! It is currently 5:32 AM here in my bedroom, and I am super tired!

Why am I awake and writing a blog post, you ask?

Well, I'm awake because I have to go to school later, and I'm writing this post to thank all of my subscribers.

Thank you everyone who has ever subscribed to anything I've ever written, you are all wonderfully, incredibly patient people. I don't know what I would do without you, or how you can possibly stand to go so long without an update.

I would also like to thank my subscribers for sending me their angry waves of frustration. They have finally reached the air around me, and prompted me to possibly begin to write something again.

How did it prompt me, you ask?

Well, in the shower this morning, I was just standing there under the hot water–trying to wake up enough to wash the shampoo out of my hair–when suddenly I was cussing up a storm. Something–that definitely didn't feel like shampoo–flew into my eye and caused a burning sensation so great that after a thorough rinsing and a good ten minutes later, my eye still burns. Next to cramps, it is probably one of the most painful things I've experienced in my life.

Every time I blink, my eye stings, and I will think of all of you who have stayed with me for no good reason other then you simply forgot about whatever story you're subscribed to.

Maybe by the time I get out of school I will have something decent written that I can grace all of you with as a token of my gratitude.

Have a wonderful day (and update your stories),

March 7th, 2013 at 02:41pm