Mibba, we meet again.

Good evening, I have returned to Mibba at last and it has changed to say the least. I remember going on here in eighth grade to post crappily written stories and now, in tenth grade I have returned. Well, I was meant to be in eleventh this year but my troublesome ways landed me in tenth grade yet again. I honestly do not know what my blog are going to be about but we shall soon find out. The great thing about this site is the fact that if I do not feel like writing a blog entry I can write a tutorial, a story, a poem, a review or even a magazine. I actually don't remember being able to write a magazine on here but I suppose I will have to explore that in the next few hours.

I am meant to be finish this Sudoku puzzle I got assigned this week. I do Distance Education now because my school didn't like me and couldn't teach me because I was the 'worst student they'd ever had'. I didn't even do anything THAT terrible, I didn't kill anyone or nearly kill anyone.. Anyway, you probably don't even want to know why they don't want me but to say the least the reasons they put forward were truly stupid and if I were to take it to the board of education they'd throw a hissy fit over it. I would never want to go back though, why would I? I didn't enjoy being judged for my mental health issues, my style of dress, things I said or things I couldn't help but do. Not pleasant.

Okay, I will shut up about that and conclude with the fact that I am honestly glad that I am back on Mibba. I BELONG! I BELONG! Now I shall make my profile look like my own and never leave again, I promise. Now, I wonder if you're allowed to share Twitter links on here..

Good bye everyone, it's lovely to be back!
March 9th, 2013 at 09:49am