Excuses, And Apologies.

I really need to stop promising updates and then not putting them up on any of my fics really. I know it's only been a few days even, but I just feel like I owe it to people who read my fics and people who support me to at least try with everything I have to continue to post and work. And writing isn't hard work for me, I do it for my own enjoyment too. I have a few hundred excuses, mainly just bad luck all coming at once into my life.

1. My laptop is has been being repaired, but when it was ready to be picked up, my mum was at work and so it was waiting for a long time.

2. There was a death in my family. Not immediate, but still. It really hit me, I think because nobody knew he was depressed. My uncle (through marriage), hung himself. It kinda made me re-evaluate my whole life in the selfish kind of, "Wow, would people care if that happened to me?" And it made me really sad. Kinda adding on to a week I had the week before, feeling like a kind of blib where everyone would not even notice me.

3. My older sister was admitted into to hospital. That was really stressful, she's okay now though.

4. I wanted to forget about those, (they was making me think way too much), and so I drank a lot of alcohol. Yes, yes, I know. It was dumb. Spare me the lecture, it's been happening all week. But what I did wrong was I went to a gig my school was doing (again, stupid, I know) because I wasn't really thinking straight. And so they called my mum, who actually wasn't too harsh on me. Just y'know.. making me clean up my own puke. And as a result I may not be able to go to prom, which whatever, it seems dumb anyway. I didn't want to go anyway, but that's not really the point.

5. I haven't had a lot of time other than try and sort out my head. I've been trying to revise for my end of high school exams and just basically freaking out. I'm stressed about those too.

6. Everything new I tried to write, would delete itself and I got so angry.

7. I was re-reading some old stuff, and the grammar and mistakes in it disgusted me. It kinda put me off writing.

So, I've had a bit of a bad time. I wanted to focus on family. It's my birthday in about 11 days (20th), and I just wanted to spend some time with my mum and my sister and just really learn to appreciate life again.

But, this is not a "all my stories are on hiatus" kind of thing. I couldn't ever give up writing, and even if I ever did, I'm not pete wentz, my hiatus would last like, a month.

This is just an explanation as to where I've been (If anyone gives a single fuck) and a thank you. Thank you for support and nice comments, because without those, I don't know what I would do.

I will update when I can, and if you have any questions, comment here or message me.


P.S I'm going on holiday with my mum for my birthday, from the 30th of March - 6th of April, so I can't update during that time either.
March 9th, 2013 at 11:00pm